73. Time for a short break? 3 perfect Intermezzos by Brahms

What’s in a name? Not much it seems. An ‘Intermezzo’ is often a short piece that breaks up something bigger… but Brahms used it as his go to name for any short piano pieces where nothing else came to mind! In any case, these three Intermezzos for solo piano from late in Brahms’s life are beautiful, wistful, dreamy and give us a perfect break from whatever you’ve got going on… Like all Brahms pieces they’re musically perfect too. [21′]… Listen

67. Bad trip. Berlioz – Fantastic Symphony Pt3

In the dramatic final part of our drug-fuelled adventure with composer Hector Berlioz, the dreams turn to nightmare visions of murder, execution, witches and demons. It’s loud, exciting, brilliant, a bit crazy and I love it. Listening time: 21 mins … Listen